Surface treatment
coated and uncoated acupuncture needles
Traditionally, acupuncture needles were always uncoated, the raw steel wire might have been polished, but it did not undergo any further treatment. Optimal puncture characteristics were and still are determined by a precisely ground tip and the surface texture of the steel wire.
Since the 1970s, acupuncture needles have been coated with high-quality silicone compounds especially approved for medical use. This silicone coating has also been used for years on cannula needles. The coating significantly improves puncture characteristics. In Western countries, this feature has significantly increased the acceptance of acupuncture as a treatment method.
asiamed supplies different sizes and diameters in “coated” and “uncoated” variants.
Gold- or silver-plated acupuncture needles
In traditional Chinese medicine, treatments using gold and silver needles are common, mainly in the field of ear acupuncture. Today’s acupuncture needles are no longer made of solid gold or silver. Instead, the metal needles coated with gold or silver. The coating is continuous to the greatest possible extent. The treatment makes use of the different energy potentials of the precious metals in order to treat the acupuncture points.
asiamed and TeWa gold and silver plated acupuncture needles