Asiamed kinesiology tapes

asiamed kinesiology tapes are a natural extension of our product portfolio, true to our motto “asiamed – the art of gentle healing”.

Kinesiology taping is a non-invasive method in which the body’s self-healing powers are activated to relieve acute or chronic pain. Kinesiology tapes are applied to stimulate aching muscles, ligaments, joints, acupuncture points or meridians, and this not only in case of sports injuries.

Our high-quality asiamed tapes are made of various materials (cotton, nylon, and rayon), which ensure a high degree of comfort. The tapes can be worn over several days. Depending on how heavily the covered body area is to be treated, the therapist can determine the therapeutic intensity by choosing tapes of different elasticities and by applying various degrees of tension. asiamed offers a choice between three different elasticity strengths. We have the right tape for every application.

All asiamed kinesiology tapes at a glance